Attribute Changer 10.0a Crack With Keygen Full Free Download 2022
Returning home with a lot of freshly taken photos and noticing that the camera’s clock was set to a wrong date or time? No problem. Use Attribute Changer to manage your files’ attributes at once with just a few clicks. Attribute Changer modifies file dates and time stamps as well as the read-only, system, and hidden status flags.
Attribute Changer is a good example of the kind of software that has been created for a very specific purpose and does its job perfectly well, with no hassle or nuisances for the user. In this case, the program adds a new command to the Explorer context menu from which you can easily change attributes.
It works both with files and folders, both with a single item or massive selections. Besides enabling you to change the basic attributes, you can also modify dates and times with extraordinary precision. Attribute Changer goes straight to the point: simple interface and easy to use. It has no configuration options (probably because it doesn’t need them) but includes a fairly complete Help system to solve all your doubts about its usage.
Attribute Changer Crack For Mac & Win:
Attribute Changer can modify photo information (EXIF) by manually entering date and time values or you can choose to synchronize info with timestamps and file date. More advanced options such as modifying detailed parts of the date and time stamps are available if needed.
File and folder filters instruct Attribute Changer to exclude or include objects based on multiple criteria, such as attributes, date, time, size, and file or folder name wildcards. Ranges can be defined for most of them. Multiple criteria can be grouped to create a set of conditions to be applied to files and folders. All 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10 are supported. and it integrates with many popular third-party file managers.
Key Features:
- Right-click add-on for Windows Explorer
- Change standard Windows attributes (read-only, system, hidden, etc.)
- Modify date and time stamps (Created, Modified, Accessed)
- Modify photo date and time stamps (EXIF information)
- Synchronize data and time stamps
- Partial data and time stamp updates
- Relative date and time adjustments
- Randomize date and time stamps
- Filters to exclude files and folders
- Realtime reporting (simple and detailed)
- Simulation mode
- Complete user manual with tutorials.
- Title: Attribute Changer 10.0a
- Filename: ac-910a.exe
- File size: 4.58MB (4,801,647 bytes)
- Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / XP 64-bit / Vista 64-bit / Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64-bit
- Languages: Multiple languages
- License: Freeware
What’s New?
- Added the alternatives to keep in mind the file that is the last list that loaded
- Make application icons DPI-aware
- Add the capability to parse the demand line parameters.
- Make context menu icon DPI-aware
- Include the option to keep in mind window size and place for the next launch.
- Minor user interface changes
- Whenever executing the tasks, an execution that is various is used to prevent GUI slowness.
- Task list file expansion is changed from .txt to .fac
- Updated user guide
How To Crack?
2: Softwares Auto Download.
3: Open Download File.
4: Click on Install.
5: Follow The Instructions.
6: Thanks For Downloading.